Is anyone watching the Event? I am always a little hesitent about watching a new show. It stinks to find a show you like and have it cancelled on you. You feel like you've wasted your time. I hadn't really watched any new shows this fall but I noticed more and more of my friends "liking" this show on facebook and I decided to check it out.
I am really loving this show. It is a bit of a mystery like Lost. You are definately trying to figure out what is going on. There is a bit of the jumping from one time frame to another but not excessive and not annoying. It is a conspiracy show which has you wondering who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? This show also moves pretty fast which reminded me of 24. There are definately some hold your breath, what the heck is going on, are you kidding me moments. This show definately holds your interest. Also I have to say that Jason Ritter as Sean Walker is fabulous and very believable as a normal person caught up in something bigger than himself. You are definately cheering him on.
So I say check it out. You can watch the first four episodes on NBC or Hulu and the show comes on Monday nights. If you've watched it let me know what you think.