"When we choose not to focus on what's missing in our lives but are grateful for the abundance that is present...we experience heaven on earth."
Today was a fabulous day! First of all today is my day off which is always nice. I can't imagine how people that work seven days a week do it. It is so nice to have that break to relax and recharge.
It is finally spring and in Texas that means bluebonnets everywhere. The bluebonnets just make me happy. Plus you get to see everyone out posing in the bluebonnets. Do you know what's better than a field of bluebonnets? A field of bluebonnets with a sweet little baby girl dressed in her Easter dress getting her picture taken. That's only the sweetest thing ever.
Another great thing about spring...strawberries. Even better...cheap strawberries...only 99 cents at my store so I am going to make a strawberry pie...
Also it's ParaTed's birthday...so everyone say Happy Birthday to Ted. Does Ted still frequent JU? I have started a campaign to bring all of my missing JU friends back. I miss their input and wisdom on here. (Yes, I'm totally kissing up in case someone that I'm talking about peeks at this).
So what made you happy today?